When I checked into this blog I couldn’t believe it’s been over a year since I updated it!! I obviously am not the best at updates…:) It’s been a heck of a year in so many ways…there have been great gigs with Darby Mills and her band, opening for them with an acoustic set on my guitar and jamming for a couple of tunes with them on sax. Great musicians and really nice people, what’s not to love?:)) I’ve also been playing in a fun instrumental band, jazzy, funky, called SLD, or “Sounds Like Dave”, perhaps we will do our annual gig again this summer:)) But my art has been getting the lion’s share of my time for the past couple of years and so I’ve been travelling to art shows in Miami, New York and Monaco…more on that in a magazine blurb I’ll share here next. But right now I’m gearing up for Art!Vancouver 2018. Opening night tonight at the Vancouver Convention Centre and I couldn’t be more excited about my booth and seeing everyone, talking to people, listening to people, so much fun!!:)) And there will be not only my paintings in my booth, but a selection of my KNASHDesigns, available online at:
https://www.zazzle.ca/knashdesigns AND at:
Check out the sites, so cool, all the products are well made…I wear the leggings from Artofwhere all the time, both for workouts and for casual wear; it’s been over a year and they show no signs of wearing or fading:))
Anyway, that’s it for now…I’m off to the Convention Centre to put some finishing touches on my booth, hope to see you there!!