by Kirsten Nash Fiction The River At the end of every August we have a Tube Race on the River. We’ve got some pretty creative people here…if you can’t use your imagination, you’re never going to survive. Even on the prettiest day boredom can just creep up on your soul and choke you sometimes. On hot days in the summer everyone gets together by the Deep Hole, about two thirds the way up the mountain. If you went all the way to the top of the River to start, your ass would freeze off because there’s snow up there, sometimes right through summer. You launch just past the railway trestle, about three quarters up the mountain with a great big inner tube. Don’t blow it …
Getting Caught Up…Again!!
If you’ve been to this site before, you will notice I’ve been doing a bit of an overhaul…so much going on, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the media(s) these days!! But usually I’m pretty good at keeping up with my Instagram, Facebook etc and as you will see there are buttons at the bottom of my pages here for quick access to those sites. I’ve been gearing up my music and art pursuits these days…gigs/shows are coming up, and I have or am in the process of adding shows I forgot to add while I was doing them…check that out under my “Shows” banner…some pics and videos there, more coming:)) I will also be introducing some of my short stories here now …
I’m not the best at updates…:)
When I checked into this blog I couldn’t believe it’s been over a year since I updated it!! I obviously am not the best at updates…:) It’s been a heck of a year in so many ways…there have been great gigs with Darby Mills and her band, opening for them with an acoustic set on my guitar and jamming for a couple of tunes with them on sax. Great musicians and really nice people, what’s not to love?:)) I’ve also been playing in a fun instrumental band, jazzy, funky, called SLD, or “Sounds Like Dave”, perhaps we will do our annual gig again this summer:)) But my art has been getting the lion’s share of my time for the past couple of years and …
So much NEWS!!!!
I am SO far behind on this website these days…thought I would focus on painting, and practising, writing…just bury myself in work and see what would happen and what has happened? Fasten your seatbelts!!! As my last post showed, I launched my new wearable art line, KNASH Designs a while back. I’ve been having so much fun designing leggings, cushion covers, all kinds of things that get my art out there for people that might not be able to make it to art shows and such…now you can order KNASH Designs from The Art of Where and Shopify and the list is growing! I also published my first book/short story, called “The Anniversary”, and it is available on Createspace and Amazon, of …
KNASH Designs Available NOW!! I’m really excited to announce my first online store, hosted by The Art of Where! All kinds of very cool fashion for your home and body, more being added all the time, all featuring my paintings in one way or another. Never can have too much art, might as well start wearing it:))
Kind words about “A Feather and a Scale”
I love it when people take the time to send me their thoughts after listening to my music! Here are a few of them: “Hi Kirsten, enjoyed listening to your CD all day today. Love all the tracks, but love love love “where does the time go”…. Looking forward to your concert/show. I’ll get a group of us to go.” NaSim “”Feather and a Scale” was more insightful guidance for me in a spiritual (def: that which you are made of) way, at least as much as many “practical spirituality” Sunday morning church visits. I would like to find a choir again, that sang that kind of material. I thought Amos Mosely might, but no. The VOC Soul Gospel Choir, with Chico Tohomaso, (from Lionel …
A Review from Bruce Allen
A Review from Bruce Allen:)))) A few weeks ago I sent my new CD, “A Feather and a Scale” to a few people for feedback…I have received only positive and very kind words in response from those who have listened. Of course it’s not easy as an unsigned artist to get people to listen, (or review) for so many reasons…but once they do they, so far, have been really awesome with their responses, and I will be sharing some of those responses over the next months. But for now, I’d like to start at the very top of my list, a review I’ll be smiling about for years, even better than the last one he blessed me with for “The View From Here”!! Some kind …
Thank you CHLY 101.7 FM !!!!!
I’d like to shout out a big “Thank you!” to CHLY 101.7 FM for all their support the last few years for my music. Both hosts, Pam Edgar and Brian Hazelbower have been playing my new CD, “A Feather and a Scale” on their shows, ‘Living for the Health of It’, ‘Songwriter’s Circle’ and ‘Harbour City Beat’, and I am so grateful! I got to listen to Pam on “Living for the Health of It”, and I thought she was only going to play a couple of bits of my songs, but I think she played all but two off my new Cd! And then Brian played a couple more that night on “Harbour City Beat”…made me feel great, and knowing they are still playing my …
“A Feather and a Scale”-KNASH’15
Just finished this painting for the cover of my new EP, “A Feather and a Scale”. The final mixes are coming in and sounding great!
Alice in Modernland-a Journey in Progress
When I was 16 years old I first thought about the idea of making my favourite story, Alice in Wonderland, into a gritty, dark exploration of the human spirit, told through music. It took another 16 years for me to write the first draft, which I recorded in a run-down garden shed with the help of friends John Ellis on guitar/ final mixing and Norm Fisher on bass. Everything else on the demos I played or sang, dub after dub of harmonies, pumping a foot pedal to punch in, all in different voices to try to make it sound like there were diverse characters on the recording. I learned how to program drums, keyboards , run my adat/atari studio and recorded the 26 songs for …