by Kirsten Nash Fiction The River At the end of every August we have a Tube Race on the River. We’ve got some pretty creative people here…if you can’t use your imagination, you’re never going to survive. Even on the prettiest day boredom can just creep up on your soul and choke you sometimes. On hot days in the summer everyone gets together by the Deep Hole, about two thirds the way up the mountain. If you went all the way to the top of the River to start, your ass would freeze off because there’s snow up there, sometimes right through summer. You launch just past the railway trestle, about three quarters up the mountain with a great big inner tube. Don’t blow it …
Getting Caught Up…Again!!
If you’ve been to this site before, you will notice I’ve been doing a bit of an overhaul…so much going on, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the media(s) these days!! But usually I’m pretty good at keeping up with my Instagram, Facebook etc and as you will see there are buttons at the bottom of my pages here for quick access to those sites. I’ve been gearing up my music and art pursuits these days…gigs/shows are coming up, and I have or am in the process of adding shows I forgot to add while I was doing them…check that out under my “Shows” banner…some pics and videos there, more coming:)) I will also be introducing some of my short stories here now …